Automatic Vacuum Switch for Dust Collector - 120V
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Simply turn on your power tool and the Dust Collector Automatic Switch will automatically turn on your shop vacuum or dust collector.
You are spared the hassle of walking over to manually operate the dust collector.
Automatic turn on the vacuum when you start your tool , and delays 10 seconds to turn off the vacuum to clean the pipe when you complete your work. Saving time and electricity, reducing airboin toxin and noise that may lead the health problem.Tool Port: The TOOL socket is suitable for Miter Saw, Table Saw, Sander, Router.
Vacuum Port: Any standard shop type vacuum will run on the Automatic Vacuum Switch. The VAC socket is suitable for Vacuum, Dust Collector, Power Feed, Work Lamp.
The Automatic Vacuum Switch can connect more than 2 devices.
※The total current of all connected electrical appliances must not exceed 15A.Automatic Vacuum Switch x1