Product Name : Wet Dry Sandpaper Sheets 8 PCS For Wood And Auto Finishing
used to remove material from surfaces, Various abrasive materials, grits, backing materials, furniture finishes, polishing of plastic and glass, etc.
Commonly called sand paper, they are indispensable of abrasion in the woodworking shop.
Sandpaper is produced in a range of grit sizes and is used to remove ingredients from surfaces of various abrasive materials.
For example: grits, backing materials, furniture finishes, polishing of plastic and glass, etc.
(GHS3) 2ea. 220x, 320x, 400x, 600x
(GHS4) 2ea. 800x, 1200x, 1500x, 2000x
(GHS7) 220 grit
(GHS8) 320 grit
(GHS9) 400 grit
(GHS10) 600 grit
(GHS11) 800 grit
(GHS12) 1200 grit
(GHS13) 1500 grit
(GHS14) 2000 grit
(GHS15) 2ea. 120x, 150x, 180x, 220x
(GHS16) 120 grit ( 8 piece)
(GHS17) 150 grit ( 8 piece)
(GHS18) 180 grit ( 8 piece)

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